Hey Leute, dieser Tage wollte ich Euch ein paar meiner liebsten Bilder eines Jahres meiner Landschaftsfotografie zeigen. Aber natürlich sollt ihr auch hier und da einen kleinen Tipp für Euch mitnehmen können. Aber zuallererst möchte ich Euch mit meinen Bildern inspirieren selbst wieder die Kamera in die Hand zu nehmen! Ich hoffe ihr habt Spaß mit diesem kleinen Einblick in ein Jahr meiner Fotografie! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtY-nYiX0PE&ab_channel=NicolasAlexanderOtto
Landscape Photography Retrospective: 2020
It seems like for travelers it was a horrendous year due to the Covid Pandemic causing many restrictions and almost killing landscape photography in the process. But, for me personally some things actually did work out. Sadly some of my workshops were postponed to later dates (you can already check our 2021 and even 2022 offerings here), but I was able to guide groups on the Lofoten and two times in the alpine foothills at least which was fun and I did some shooting on my own each time before my clients arrived. On top of that I was in Norway...
Kalender: Magische Landschaften 2021
Auch dieses Jahr habe ich wieder die Zeit gefunden einen Kalender für Euch zusammenzustellen. Gerade jetzt brauchen wir vielleicht noch mehr als in anderen Jahren Bilder, die Kraft und Hoffnung spenden. Daher habe ich dieses Mal wirklich sehr viel Zeit in die Bildauswahl fließen lassen. Nun präsentiere Euch hier meinen Kalender für das Jahr 2021: Magische Landschaften 2021 mit einigen der schönsten Bilder der, die ich die letzten Jahre so fotografiert habe. Da ich finde, dass ein Kalender auch ein Teil Kunstwerk ist, habe ich mich dazu...
Retrospective: 2019
2019 is soon coming to and end even though, I will embark for some winter photography for the last couple of days of the year, I always love to go through the best shots of the past months and see what the year had to offer in retrospective. My original plans did work out for the most part, maybe because I didn't have to much planned in terms of private photography and was more focused on professional photography and hosting some workshops for my clients, but it was a good year as a whole I would say. I hosted several outings for partners,...
Kalender: Magische Landschaften 2020
Nun ist es schon wieder 2 Jahre her, dass ich mir die Zeit genommen habe einen Kalender zu gestalten, daher habe ich mich während des Sommerlochs hingesetzt und just genau dies getan! Ich präsentiere Euch hier meinen Kalender für das Jahr 2020: Magische Landschaften 2020 mit Bildern aus Island, Japan, Frankreich den USA und dem Rest der Welt. Ich habe 12 meiner besten Aufnahmen rausgesucht, um jeden Monat möglichst atmosphärisch einzufangen und Euch für jeden Monat ein neues Schmankerl zu servieren. Der Kalender wird in A2 gedruckt (42,0 ×...
Retrospective: 2018
The year is winding down fast and even though I have spent more time with photography as ever before it seems like I have only barely held up achieving 50% of what I originally envisioned to do not having the time to put in as much of it into shooting and processing as I had hoped. The year had a slow start due to a spinal injury I suffered and which took me several months to recover from. As you can read in my last retrospective most of what I had planned originally worked out however. I went to the US again, I revisited Teneriffe and Rügen...
Retrospective: 2017
As 2017 is slowly but surely coming to an end and almost all the planned shots are shot (let alone for a my alpine winter trip with Philipp Lutz on the 26th) I think I can offer a retrospective on some of the events and draw a summary. Reading up on what plans I had outlined in my last retrospective I can at least say that some the ideas were actually put into deed. The Iceland trip with Jonas Piontek turned out to be a very productive and also incredibly funny trip even though we did put up with sleep deprivation and bad weather. Also my 3rd...
Calendar: Atmospheric Landscapes 2018 & PreOrder
Hey guys and gals here I present you my calendar for 2018 called Atmospheric Landscapes 2018. It is now available for purchase. As you can see above I did my best to accommodate each season and also take into account the individual calendar images that were voted on my facebook page by yourselves. The calendar is DIN A3 and printed onto 200g/m² paper with matte finishing for optimal image quality. This time around I am offering international shipping. The price for the calendar is 19,95€ + shipping. International shipping is 3,70€ and...
10 Things about Travelling in Japan
... as a landscape photographer. After having visited Japan two times in 2006 and 2008, I had not been in Japan for 9 years before travelling to the southern islands Kyushu and Yakushima this year. Whilst I polished my Japanese and had scouted a lot, I didn't quite know what to expect travelling through the country for 16 days, this time without one of my local friends, but with fellow photographer Philipp Lutz, who also speaks a bit of Japanese. I hadn't been to the southern islands and usually, no matter if backpacking or road...