FLM CP 38 Premium Tripod

Untertitel in Deutsch und Englisch verfügbar // Subtitles available in German and English Hey Guys and Gals, I have been working with FLM tripods for quite a while now, providing them with feedback and working with different models. When the new Series II tripods were released, I was asked to run them through the paces and so I did. I took them to Norway three times this on scouting trips and workshops to test them thoroughly. Sadly I did not get to keep them though, nor was I paid for the review just as a disclaimer.



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For more information about the tripod you can check out the German producer FLM-GMBH here: FLM Website For North America you can check out FLM Canada: FLM Canada

As mentioned in the video, you can find more about the ball head „CB48 FTR II“ in my written test for the CP30-M4S (a previous tripod I tested and now also own). https://nicolasalexanderotto.net/flm-t…

Many thanks to Johanna Besseling for the camera work and Jonas Piontek for accompanying me in Norway. Music was written, performed and recorded by Leo Wichmann (Words of Farewell).