Der Landschaftsfotografie Podcast S01 E66: Isabella Tabacchi (English)

Working with Hasselblad Medium Format and Post Processing in Landscape Photography

Hey guys and gals, today I bring you another international guest in my usually German Podcast. This time around I talked with Hasselblad heroine and brilliant landscape photographer, dog and cat lover and post processing expert Isabella Tabacchi. We’ve talked about her personal journey into landscape photography her switch from full frame to Medium Format after becoming a Hasselblad Heroine and all the technical difficulties she faces in post processing with her individual style. The latter was especially interesting, talking to her about her focus stacking techniques and how she approaches her editing from an emotional standpoint. I hope you enjoy this episode and be sure to check out Isabella’s full body work.

You can find Isabella’s complete portfolio and her post processing offerings on her homepage here:

Her printshop can be found here:


As per usual I would highly appreciate any support for the format. So if you could find some time to write feedback feel free to reach out to me via my contact form or via mail, facebook or instagram.
I always love to get in touch with my listeners. If you have guests you would like to hear on the podcast you can also always drop some suggestions as well.If you want to support the podcast by leaving a review on iTunes or Stitcher I would also be very thankful because it helps me to reach a broader audience and thus my guests to get more exposure for their outstanding work. Also the bigger the size of this humble podcast the more leverage I get to invite guests onto the show!Last but not least here is a list with names mentioned on the podcast and their respective links! There is quite a view times this time around, somehow. Enjoy!